Two IGBP-Scientific Committee (SC) members will be rotating off at the end of this year. The IGBP Secretariat is seeking nominations now to fill these positions for a 3-year term* beginning 1 January 2013.
The IGBP strives to maintain scientific excellence within the SC, as well as having disciplinary, geographic and gender balance among its members. This year, IGBP continues to engage with ICSU and IGBP partners in the development of an initiative on Earth system research for global sustainability (“Future Earth” and to prioritize interactions with the social sciences and with the science-policy and science-business interfaces. The IGBP is particularly interested in identifying experts with experience in one or more of the following: natural-social science interface (esp. vulnerability and mitigation science), regional/global sustainability, and science-policy and science-business interactions. It especially welcomes nominations in the above categories of women and individuals from developing countries.
* the term may be shortened somewhat subject to the timing of IGBP joining Future Earth
All nominations should be accompanied by the following documents:
1) A supporting letter on the candidate being nominated (max.1 page)
2) Nominees CV (max. 2 pages) – to include the following information: title, name, postal address, email address, contact numbers, (professional homepage or website if available), field of expertise, gender, year of birth, nationality, country of employment and spoken languages.
3) Short list of publications (max. 1 page)
For more information, please go to the following URL:
SC procedural documents can be downloaded at:
Nominations should be sent to Charlotte Wilson-Boss at: [email protected] before Thursday 31st May 2012.
All nominees should be contacted in advance to know if they would be interested to have their names put forward for nomination.