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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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CLIVAR 2016 OSC Calls for Abstracts, Poster Clusters, Town Halls and Early Career Scientists Symposium


CLIVAR is calling for abstracts, proposals for poster clusters and town halls, as well as applications for the early career scientists symposium, which will be held as part of the CLIVAR Open Science Conference in Qingdao, China from 8-25 September 2016.


Abstracts can be submitted via the Conference website until 15 March 2016. Abstracts must be submitted to one of the OSC sessions; for an overview, check the programme and session descriptions. Selected contributions will be invited for oral presentation, all others as posters. Contributors may submit up to 3 abstracts. All abstracts must be submitted in English, with a maximum of 500 words, and may include only text and symbols.

Poster Clusters

In order to encourage coordination and further integration of research activities within and across WCRP, and with other climate and ocean research activities, groups are encouraged to self-organize and submit clusters of posters addressing a specific research topic. Posters in a cluster will be displayed together during the appropriate poster session. Please send the title, name of the organizer, and a two line description, well before March 15, to Nico Caltabiano  ([email protected]at the ICPO. If you wish to open your cluster for participation of people that you have not previously contacted to be part of the cluster, also let Nico know. Then, the information of your cluster will be posted on the Conference website with instructions that anyone interested in joining the cluster should first contact the cluster organizer. Poster clusters can address past accomplishments but should also be forward-looking. A brief accompanying white paper can also be submitted for inclusion in the OSC program materials and to inform the development of the CLIVAR implementation plan.

Town Halls

Town Halls are seen as a key element of the CLIVAR 2016 Open Science Conference to focus on aspects that may not be explicitly or fully covered in the main programme (e.g., regional observational efforts, modeling and/or data initiatives, services, etc.), or to develop or promote new scientific directions, projects or experiments.  There is the possibility of scheduling up to 6 Town Hall events per day on both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (6:00-7:00 pm or 7:30-8:30 pm). The Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) invites proposals from individuals or groups interested in organizing a town hall at the OSC. Proposals should outline the topic and purpose of the town hall, how it relates to CLIVAR and any anticipated outcomes, and should not exceed 500 words. Please also identify a lead person and provide contact details. This information should be submitted using the template provided on website no later than 15 June to Lei Han at the ICPO ([email protected]) with “OSC Town Hall” in the subject line.The SOC will review all proposals and notify successful candidates no later than 30 June.

Early Career Scientists Symposium

The Early Career Scientists Symposium (ECSS) is a 3-day programme designed by, and for, early career scientists. It is a unique opportunity for young scientists with outstanding research potential to interact and exchange ideas with their peers and senior scientists on what is required to better understand aspects of the climate system and address research challenges of societal relevance. An ambitious agenda is being developed to engage the ECS in the science topics addressed in the OSC, to discuss the future of international efforts to address critical science needs and to consider pressing scientific and related societal challenges. The ECSS will include career development workshops, as well as opportunities for the participants to discuss their scientific achievements, while building lasting relationships and collaborations with colleagues from different countries. To apply for a place at the Symposium, participants must submit an abstract as first author to the main conference, and indicate that they would like to take part in the Symposium. Those selected to attend the ECSS will be notified at the end of May 2016.

Travel Grants

Limited resources are available to support attendance of researchers from developing countries and early career scientists. Financial assistance can be requested only via the conference website on submission of an abstract. Deadline for requests is 15 March 2016. Participants requesting support will be notified of the availability of funds in May and June.

For More Information

Conference website:

Email: [email protected]