The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the International Council for Science (ICSU) were invited by the first session of the IPBES Plenary (IPBES-1) to work in consultation with stakeholders, including indigenous peoples and local communities and the private sector, on the preparation of a draft stakeholder engagement strategy that will support the implementation of the IPBES work programme.
In order to inform the development of the first draft of the strategy, a survey has been set-up to gather views on stakeholder engagement in IPBES. Following an open government and stakeholder review of this draft, the strategy will be updated and presented to the next session of the IPBES Plenary (IPBES-2) for consideration.
The short survey is available online at: (in English); (in French); and (in Spanish).
The deadline for completing the survey is 31 March 2013. Please fill in only one questionnaire per organisation.
Further information on stakeholder engagement is IPBES is available in this note.
Call for inputs to the IPBES Stakeholder Engagement Strategy