Scientists, engineers, technologists, environmental managers and other stakeholders in Digital Earth are invited to participate in the Digital Earth 2015 Symposium.
Under the banner “Towards a One-World Vision for the Blue Planet” this 9th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) will address five important themes relating to the interdisciplinary Digital Earth community:
- Digital Earth Theory and Technology
- Earth Observation
- Digital Earth Applications
- Digital Earth and Citizen Well-being, and
- Digital Earth Education and Outreach
These themes offer a wide range of topics for discussion, and may be addressed through the prisms of the natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, management, or public policy. Inter-theme and interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged, as are panel discussions and working-group meetings.
Digital Earth 2015 seeks abstracts describing the state of the art and practice in these fields. We invite the submission of Abstracts for consideration by the Scientific Program Committee. Submissions for Special Session are also welcome.
Details on the Symposium can be found at the website, which also contains specific information on the Call for Abstracts, as well as details for the Call for Special Sessions and Workshops. Questions regarding the Symposium may be directed to [email protected]. To continue to receive updates and information on Digital Earth 2015, select the “subscribe” link on the first page of the website.