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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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The bioGENESIS training workshop at ATBC Asia Pacific Chapter 2013

The bioGENESIS training workshop will be held on 16-17 March 2013 in Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. The theme of this year bioGENESIS workshop is Evolutionary Approaches to Biodiversity Science.

This workshop will be co-hosted by DIVERSITAS-bioGENESIS and the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) Asia Pacific Chapter on 16 and 17th March, 2013. This workshop will provide a current outlook on some of the most relevant evolutionary approaches for the study of biodiversity. The workshop will exemplify the types of questions that can be addressed, including their general theoretical and methodological background, as well as basic practical examples. It will consist of a few sessions and each session will include a lecture, followed by software demonstrations or a detailed description of a published illustrative study.

This workshop is free for graduate students and young scientists; however further financial support is not available. For students from lower-income countries, please consider fellowships through the Program for Field Studies in Tropical Asia for participants in ATBC meeting .

Instructors and topics:

  • Introduction to Phylogenetic Methods, R Geeta (University of Delhi, India)
  • Population genetics, population structure and phylogeography, Keith Crandall (Cancer Research Center, Provo, USA)
  • Phylogenetic community structure, Beta Diversity measures, Cam Web (Arnold Arboretum, Bogor, Indonesia)
  • Comparative method, evolution of morphological/ecological traits, Lúcia Lohmann (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Phylogenetic and functional diversity (including PD) and phylogenetic conservation planning, Dan Faith (Australian Museum, Australia)
  • Eco-Evo Dynamics, Luc Demeester (KU Leuven)
  • Biogeography, Michael J. Donoghue (Yale University, USA)

To register:

Please contact Makiko Mimura with the title “bioGENESIS workshop registration”. Please also provide your name and email address, institute (if applicable), country, and your research interests.

More information.