4 to 7 June 2024 — Convening at the World Conference Center, Bonn, the APN Secretariat attended the first week of the June Climate Meetings of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In its 60th session, the June Climate Meetings and the Subsidiary Body for Science and Technological Advice (SBSTA) are critical preparatory meetings to lay the groundwork ahead of the COP29 UN Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November 2024.
APN attended the 16th Meeting of the Research Dialogue, observing the technical discussions regarding the development of new nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and the transition to low-emission and resilient development reflecting the outcomes of the first global stocktake and trade-offs with sustainable development. High-level speakers, Dr Cecilia Kinuthia-Njenga (Director, UNFCCC) and Ms Nathalie Flores Gonzales (Vice Chair, SBSTA) urged the scientific community to advance the understanding of knowledge gaps in all areas, especially in capacity building and resilience, in advance of the second global stocktake.

In line with recent engagements with the UNFCCC, UNEP and ICIMOD on the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) and implementation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya subregion, APN attended the Experts Dialogue on Mountains and Climate Change, convened under the guidance of the Chair of SBSTA. The dialogue provided a first and unique opportunity to convene global experts and stakeholders to:
- enhance the understanding of climate change impacts on mountains and downstream communities in a transboundary context;
- showcase solutions contribution to resilient mountain ecosystems, and;
- discuss ways to accelerate climate action at all scales and levels, including in countries with fragile mountain ecosystems.

During the technical segment of the Expert Dialogue, interactive group discussions were held at the subregional level amongst the Party and non-Party stakeholders, and observer organisations present. APN participated in the Asia-Pacific States group, discussing the current status of knowledge and efforts contributing to the resilience of mountain ecosystems to climate change, and the key recommendations on scaling up innovative solutions and good practices. The participants in the Asia-Pacific group reaffirmed the subregional priority for simplified means of adaptation implementation in mountainous countries, increased research support, and high level political support for mountains at COP29 and in thematic discussions in climate negotiations.
Following the Expert Dialogue at SBSTA60, APN continues to synthesise its contributions to adaptation knowledge in high altitude and transboundary environments, such as through the regional stocktake of adaptation case studies through the LAKI Phase II initiative addressing priority knowledge gaps in the Hindu Kush Himalaya subregion.
For more information on APN’s current progress on the LAKI HKH Phase II activities, please see the summary poster here: LAKI HKH-APN Poster (26th IGM)