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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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APN at UNFCCC COP26: Development and utilization of information platforms towards climate-resilient societies in the Asia-Pacific region

On 2 November 2021, APN joined a panel of experts in a COP26 side event and explored the role of information platforms for climate-resilient societies in the Asia-Pacific region. The hybrid event was organized by the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (NIES), Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).

In-person attendees of the side event.

Dr Stevenson delivering her presentation.

Dr Linda Anne Stevenson represented APN and delivered a talk on “APN’s role in bridging science-stakeholder communities for a climate-resilient Asia-Pacific region”. She emphasized the importance of networking with other networks and platforms on adaptation, knowledge sharing, and understanding the needs of a range of stakeholders.

A report of the side event can be downloaded here: APN COP26 Side Event Report

In addition to the abovementioned side event, APN also participated in various meetings indicated below. See the full report of APN participation at COP26 here.

SACEP, Sri Lanka: Good Practices in NDC update process and implementation in South Asia: Challenges/lessons learned
3 November 2021, organised by SACEP and the Government of Sri Lanka

In this event the South Asia Cooperation Environment Programme (SACEP) member countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) shared good practices, challenges and lessons learned from their NDC processes in order to achieve the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. The main topic of the event focussed on Nitrogen pollution and Nitrogen climate updates.

UNFCCC, Adaptation: Achievements of the Adaptation Committee (AC) from 2017–2021
3 November 2021, organised by the UNFCCC Adaptation Committee

The AC showcased milestones and achievements since its last review in 2016. The session discussed a broad range of topics on the AC’s portfolio, geared towards promoting the implementation of enhanced action on adaptation under the Convention.

Strengthened Resilience to Climate Change in the Pacific – from Capacity Building to Climate Investment
3 November 2021, organised by the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC) and the Pacific Climate Change Center, Samoa

This side event showcased the outstanding outcomes of the training programs of adaptation, mitigation and access to climate finance delivered by the PCCC and lessons learned on how those various programmers have built adaptive capacity to increase climate investment in the Pacific. It also provided opportunities to seek future partnerships and funding in order to explore innovative tools, methodologies and approaches relevant for the Pacific to enhance climate resilience.

Nature-based Solutions to Combat Climate Change and Their Diverse Benefits
4 November 2021, organised by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan

This seminar illustrated the diverse benefits of NbS when implemented as climate change countermeasures. Among Japan’s international cooperation efforts in this field, the event highlighted climate change adaptation practices and their multiple benefits.

Pacific innovative solutions to build resilience against climate change
4 November 2021, organised by South Downs Multimedia Center

Linking Pacific people for solutions, this live-streamed event showcased innovative action through the PCCC to build climate change resilience, especially in the face of COVID-19. The event included new ways of approaching development concerns and solutions outside of traditional practices.

Scaling Up Capacities and Support for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance for Resilient Livelihoods and Societies
5 November 2021, organised by SLYCAN Trust at COP26 Capacity Building Hub

This event facilitated a discussion on the enhancement of capacities and skills for a better and deeper understanding of the possibilities of climate and disaster risk finance and how it can contribute to protecting vulnerable households, communities, and countries. It also highlighted cross-cutting issues for capacity-building on inclusive and participatory climate and disaster risk finance, including gender, youth, and vulnerable communities.

Knowledge to Action: Bridging the Science, Research, Policy & Practice Gap
5 November 2021, organised by CDKN, ODI and IRI

This event discussed the use, limitations and needs for climate information from decision-makers and policy-makers as well as researchers in generating public debate and actionable climate solutions. The concept of the “Academies of Climate Services” was introduced to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and capacity building between scientists, practitioners and policymakers in the Global South.

Capacity-building Needs for Enabling Resilience for All: Key Outcomes of APAN Forum
5 November 2021, organised by UNEP

This event shared the key outcomes of the 7th Asia-Pacific Adaptation Forum specifically focusing on capacity-building needs for enabling resilience for all; ongoing and planned efforts of APAN partners including host of the 7th AsiaPacific Adaptation Forum, MOEJ, to support capacity building.


For more information please contact:

Dr Linda Anne Stevenson, Head, Knowledge Managemnt and Scientific Affairs, and Deputy Head, Development and Institutional Affairs, APN Secretariat, email: [email protected]