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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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APEC Climate Symposium 2012: First Announcement

APEC Climate Center (APCC) released a first announcement on the APEC Climate Symposium 2012, to be held this year in St. Petersburg, Russia from October 8–11. The theme of this year’s symposium is Harnessing and Using Climate Information for Decision Making in Agriculture, Water Resources, and Energy Efficiency, with a focus on agriculture. As with previous APCC events, this symposium will present the latest scientific and technological developments in climate prediction. This year, the Symposium will continue discussions on climate information applications, particularly the potential for using climate information in the agricultural sector. APCC will bring scientists and researchers together with representatives from government agencies, NGOs, and the private sector in order to foster a collaborative dialogue. Workshop discussions will include improvements in forecasting skill, the issues behind incorporating climate information into agricultural policy, and channels for disseminating climate information. The Science Advisory Committee Meeting and the Working Group Meeting will be held in conjunction with the symposium.


For more information about the symposium, interested participants can visit official website at


Please feel free to contact Ms. Nina Horstmann ([email protected]) or Ms. Sooyang Joo ([email protected]) if you would like to request more information about this year’s symposium.