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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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[CLOSED] 2023 Call for Proposals under the CRRP and CAPaBLE Programmes

This year, APN is inviting proposals under two separate programmes supporting APN’s core activities through our Collaborative Regional Research Programme (CRRP) and the Scientific Capacity Development Programme (CAPaBLE), for funding from October 2024. A limited amount of funding is available to support CRRP and CAPaBLE activities relevant to APN’s thematic areas that specifically target one (or more) themes under its sub-regional priority topics for funding.

General Information on the 2023 Call for Proposals (PDF Guide)

The APN Secretariat has prepared a short guide on the proposal submission for the 2023 Call for Proposals and the sub-regional priority topics applicable this year. We kindly ask you to download the PDF available here.

Guidance and submission procedures

Submission of proposals to either of the programmes should be made on the APNIS system. Each Programme Call on APNIS will provide detail information on the proponent eligibility and submission criteria, the APN Secretariat’s review criteria, and supplementary documentation relevant to the development of the project proposal (such as APN’s Fifth Strategic Plan 2020-2026).

Proponent eligibility

Researchers, academics, practitioners working in institutions based in APN member countries and approved countries are eligible to apply for APN grants. Details of eligibility criteria are outlined in the CRRP and CAPaBLE Guide for Proponents, available on the APNIS system.

Special consideration: APN emphasises support for early-career professionals (ECPs) in the Asia-Pacific region and strongly encourages applications from this cohort. Eligible proposals from ECPs or ECP-majority project teams will be given priority.

Key dates

For 2023, the following deadlines must be observed:

  • Stage 1: Submission of Summary Proposal (online via APNIS): Sunday, 10 December 2023, midnight (24:00) – Japanese Standard Time.
  • Stage 2: Submission of Full Proposal and compulsory appendices (online via APNIS) by successful Stage 1 Proponents, by invitation only: Sunday, 31 March 2024, midnight (24:00) – Japanese Standard Time.

For more information

Proposal proponents are kindly asked to refer to the “Call for Proposals” page and the “Frequently Asked Questions” for more information about APN’s Call for Proposals.