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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Global change community announcement

The 21st Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS) Meeting on 13-15 May 2024 in Zhuhai, China

We invite interested researchers and other stakeholders to join the 21st Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS) Meeting hosted by the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai).

About the Meeting

PAMS is an acronym for Pacific−Asian Marginal Seas. This meeting series was originally started in 1981 as JECSS (Japan and East China Seas Study) focusing exclusively on the regional physical oceanography. In order to cover the ever-growing multi-disciplinary studies over all marginal seas around Pacific-Asian area and beyond, JECSS naturally expanded to PAMS, which is now a premier platform for experts and young scientists from all over the world to exchange new ideas and experiences on relevant topics from theoretical, observational and modeling perspectives. Lately the PAMS region has experienced significant changes in environment and climate, and the multiscale oceanic processes clearly play a fundamental role in regulating these changes.

Thus, the main theme of the 21st PAMS meeting is “climate variability, extreme events and their impacts”. The meeting will be held in Zhuhai, China, during May 13-15, 2024, hosted by Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai).

About the organisers

Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai) is a provincial-level scientific research institution organised by the Zhuhai Municipal People’s Government to foster the mutual promotion of industry and science and technology.

How to Register

To register, please visit: or scan the QR code in the flyer below.

➡️Deadline for registration: 10 April 2024