About the event
The University of Otago is hosting the DevNet 2024 Conference, set to take place 4 to 6 December in Ōtepoti Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand. The event will take place in person and virtually. This year’s theme, “Shifting Landscapes of Development: Future Possibilities for Change,” invites scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to engage in conversations around the evolving global development landscape.
As aid modalities, donor practices and geopolitical relations shift, innovative and context-specific approaches are emerging that seek to enhance social inclusion, foster resilience, and create new mechanisms for locally-led approaches, community engagement, and the realignment of partner relations. DevNet 2024 seeks to explore these emerging trends and their implications for development theory and practice through a series of dynamic presentations, roundtables and dialogues.
APN will host a session titled “Integrated Approaches to Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainability in the Pacific Region.” The conference will also feature expert-led sessions on reimagining Pacific health systems, decolonisation and relationship building, and community-led water management, among others. A diverse group of contributors will share innovative, region-specific approaches to fostering resilience, enhancing social inclusion, and realigning development partnerships.
Key themes include
- Geopolitical shifts and development policies
- Climate change and environmental sustainability
- Localisation and shifting aid policy and practice
- Disaster risk reduction
- Gender and social inclusion
Event details
Date: 4 to 6 December 2024
Registration: https://www.otago.ac.nz/conference/devnet/
Conference information: https://devnet.org.nz/devnet-2024/#
About the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network (DevNet)
DevNet is an international network of development scholars and practitioners, promoting interdisciplinary research and collaboration across the Global South and beyond. DevNet 2024 promises to continue this legacy, fostering dialogue, innovation, and shared learning.
Conference Chair
Assoc. Professor Doug Hill, School of Geography, University of Otago
Email: [email protected]