Pioneering plant metabolomic library of Indonesian plants for research, conservation, capacity building and economic development

Indonesia, one of the world’s most biodiverse countries, is undergoing mass deforestation, exacerbating climate change and leading to accelerated loss of species. This project addressed the urgent need to conserve endangered Indonesian biodiversity, specifically the potentially life-saving bioactive compounds harboured within its plants. A group of Indonesian researchers from Universitas Nasional (UNAS) in Jakarta received...

Armas, I., Sinaga, E., Saribanon, N., Noverita, Effendi, A.N., Rohadi, C., ... Raskin, I. (2024). Pioneering plant metabolomic library of Indonesian plants for research, conservation, capacity building and economic development. APN Science Bulletin, (). doi:10.30852/sb.2024.2569

Climate change research, capacity building and communication on climate extremes over South Asia

Climate change is a global issue that significantly impacts various regions, including South Asia, which is particularly vulnerable to climate extremes. Extensive research is required to address the complex interplay between climate change and extreme weather events in South Asia (Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan). This study presents a case study of an Asia-Pacific Network for...

Ali, S., Reboita, M.S., Kiani, R., Goheer, M.A., Saeed, A., Muhammad, S., ... Bhutta, Z.A. (2024). Climate change research, capacity building and communication on climate extremes over South Asia. APN Science Bulletin, (). doi:10.30852/sb.2024.2492

Air quality management status and needs of countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia

Countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia are experiencing severe air pollution problems. Most countries lack technical capabilities and adequate air quality management (AQM) infrastructure. A capacity building workshop on AQM was organised from 19-23 September 2022 for countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia. A total of 17 countries (eight in South Asia and...

Verma, R.L., Oanh, N.T.K., Winijkul, E., Huy, L.N., Armart, I.P., Laowagul, W., ... Patdu, M.K. (2023). Air quality management status and needs of countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia. APN Science Bulletin, 13(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2023.2222

Pathways to strengthening capabilities: A case for the adoption of climate-smart agriculture in Pakistan

Pakistan has an agro-based economy with a high dependency on the sector, contributing 19.2% to the country’s GDP. The country's geographical position makes agriculture highly vulnerable to climate change as it frequently faces periods of extreme weather events - flooding, droughts, and heatwaves. Due to growing environmental issues and institutional incapacities, there is an observed...

Sultan, M.S., Khan, M.A., Khan, H., & Ahmad, B. (2022). Pathways to strengthening capabilities: A case for the adoption of climate-smart agriculture in Pakistan. APN Science Bulletin, 12(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2022.2021

Capacity building at community forestry level for synergistic implementation of NDCs’ adaptation and mitigation commitments

Conservation, restoration and management of forest resources are critical for addressing climate change. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are a vehicle for targeted climate actions, including those related to forest management, by countries towards contributing global efforts agreed under the Paris Agreement. Operationalizing climate action stipulated in NDCs requires adequate preparedness and capacity, especially at the...

Shivakoti, B.R., Lopez-Casero, F., Maraseni, T., & Pokharel, K. (2021). Capacity building at community forestry level for synergistic implementation of NDCs’ adaptation and mitigation commitments. APN Science Bulletin, 11(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2021.1652

Lessons learnt from implementing training on Ecosystems Resilience in a Changing Climate for sectoral development in South and Southeast Asia

Climate change has a considerable impact on weather patterns worldwide. Therefore, planning and decision-making processes based on information on farmers' traditional and indigenous knowledge may no longer be accurate and useful. Respective national and local authorities have not been giving due attention to address this issue, and farmers and their dependents have been facing difficulties...

Jayasinghe, S., Basnayake, S., & Gupta, N. (2020). Lessons learnt from implementing training on Ecosystems Resilience in a Changing Climate for sectoral development in South and Southeast Asia. APN Science Bulletin, 10(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2020.1272

Policy gaps and needs analysis for the implementation of NDCs on adaptation and loss and damage in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka

The Paris Agreement requires Parties to prepare, communicate, and maintain successive Nationally Determined Contributions. Bangladesh , Nepal and Sri Lanka have submitted their NDCs which include mitigation as well as sector actions linked to adaptation and loss and damage. However, the countries face different faps and needs for the implementation of these commitments such as...

Wijenayake, V., Mombauer, D., Singh, P., & Nadiruzzaman, M. (2020). Policy gaps and needs analysis for the implementation of NDCs on adaptation and loss and damage in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. APN Science Bulletin, 10(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2020.1283

Improving women’s access to climate information services and enhancing their capability to manage climate risks

Climate information services has been demonstrated as a potential tool in supporting farmers to manage climate risks. However, the existing gap or disconnect between institutions that develop climate information and farmers who are the primary users of climate information can be addressed by building their capacity in an integrated manner by covering all the associated...

Raj, R., M, D., Bose, S., Ramalingam, S., & Cas, B. (2020). Improving women’s access to climate information services and enhancing their capability to manage climate risks. APN Science Bulletin, 10(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2020.946

Ecosystem-based approach for planning research and capacity development for integrated coastal zone management in Southeast Asia

Coastal ecosystems contribute significantly to socio-economic development in the Southeast Asia Region. The emerging question is how to achieve sustainable development through innovative thinking, smart planning and better insights derived from an ecosystem-based approach (EbA). Based on experience gained while implementing the Sustainable Management and Governance of Coastal Ecosystems (ENGAGE) project funded by the Asia-Pacific...

Nagabhatla, N., Hung, N., Tuyen, L., Cam, V., Dhanraj, J., Thien, N., & Swierczek, F. (2019). Ecosystem-based approach for planning research and capacity development for integrated coastal zone management in Southeast Asia. APN Science Bulletin, 9(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2019.537

Barriers, needs and potential solutions to reducing vulnerability to global environment change for least developed countries in the Asia-Pacific Region

Least Developed Countries (LDCs) face a myriad of challenges, such as extreme poverty and immense pressure on natural resources that increase vulnerability to all forms of hazards. A synthesis on Global Environmental Change (GEC) and Sustainable Development in LDCs conducted in 12 Asia Pacific LDCs, built capacity and facilitated the integration of cross-scale information from...

Miyan, M.A., Kuruppu, N., Dube, O.P., Rahman, M.A., Dewan, T., Willie, R., & Miah, S. (2017). Barriers, needs and potential solutions to reducing vulnerability to global environment change for least developed countries in the Asia-Pacific Region. APN Science Bulletin, 7(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2017.108