Measuring forest ecosystem services in Aceh Province for inclusion to local forest resource management plans

The project trained forest managers from Kesatuan Pengelo- laan Hutan (KPH) and Social Forestry units in Aceh Province in forest resource data collection and the use of three tools that report important forest ecosystem services. Data were collected in systematic forest plots by local KPH staff and social forestry community members for measuring forest carbon,...

Samek, J.H., Anhar, A., Maimunah, S., & Skole, D. (2022). Measuring forest ecosystem services in Aceh Province for inclusion to local forest resource management plans. APN Science Bulletin, 12(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2022.1910

Capacity building at community forestry level for synergistic implementation of NDCs’ adaptation and mitigation commitments

Conservation, restoration and management of forest resources are critical for addressing climate change. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are a vehicle for targeted climate actions, including those related to forest management, by countries towards contributing global efforts agreed under the Paris Agreement. Operationalizing climate action stipulated in NDCs requires adequate preparedness and capacity, especially at the...

Shivakoti, B.R., Lopez-Casero, F., Maraseni, T., & Pokharel, K. (2021). Capacity building at community forestry level for synergistic implementation of NDCs’ adaptation and mitigation commitments. APN Science Bulletin, 11(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2021.1652