Water, energy and food securities lie at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since these securities are interconnected, the business-as-usual approach (sectoral approach) cannot achieve them and need to apply the water-energy-food nexus approach for identifying and overcoming the roots of barriers and challenges. The study aims to prioritize interlinkages between SDG-2 (food security), SDG-6 (water security) and SDG-7 (energy security) for country action. In order to achieve this aim, the study implements a set of methods including stakeholder perception survey, network analysis, regression analysis and cross-sectorial group discussion. This article summarizes the outcomes of a case study in India. Stakeholders cognition derived through scrutinizing the perception survey admitted the need for a nexus approach in the action plans towards the SDGs. Quantitative assessment of interdependency showed that, of 182 interlinkages between SDG-2, SDG-6 and SDG-7 targets, 124 interlinkages had synergistic relation. The combined outcome of the cross-sectorial group discussion identified eight interlinkages as high priority (p>0.9) for immediate integrated planning and action. A total of ten interactions are moderate (p=0.6 to 0.9) and eight are low priority interlinkages (p<0.6). Solid understanding of synergies and trade-offs associated with SDG targets and initial prioritization of interlinkages would help India reorient its SDG priorities from a water-energy-food nexus perspective.
Peer-reviewed publication