The last of four ToTs planned under the framework of the project in order to build capacity of sub-national institution on climate change took place in March 2022 in Preahsihanuk province, for 3-day and focus on the basic of climate change, climate change adaptation and mitigation in coastal region of Cambodia. Basic of training skill was added to fulfill the capacity of the participants. Trainees were invited from 5 departments in Preahsihanuk province included provincial department of environment, provincial department of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, provincial department of water resource and metrological, department of women affair, and department of rural development. Totally, there were 30 trainees who are working in the context of environment, agriculture, meteorology and water resource, gender, planning, and disaster management attended in the training.
- The keys objectives of the training were:
- To introduce climate change related issues and doable response
- To build capacity of sub-national institution on the concept of climate change, adaptation and mitigation.
- Building capacity of sub-national institution on how to mainstream climate change adaptation into provincial development plans by sectors.
- Establishing local trainers (at sub-national level) to keep on activity of capacity building in relation to climate change adaptation planning and climate change response.