Climate-related disaster events are common phenomena in Southeast Asia (SEA), particularly in the low-lying major cities of Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The projected changes in climate are expected to worsen the impacts of these climate-related disaster events, hence, science and policy communities have come to recognize the importance of promoting and supporting a development agenda that is climate-sensitive and disaster resilient. With this in mind, the project tried to link loss and damage (L&D), disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) synergistically through (1) reviewing existing frameworks for assessing L&D due to climate-related disasters; (2) identifying emerging issues, gaps and opportunities in linking CCA, DRR and L&D assessment; (3) developing a robust framework in linking CCA, DRR and L&D assessment; and (4) recommending research and development (R&D) and policy agenda for implementation. The project employed a series of participatory approaches to gather relevant information about the topic. It also involved key actors from the communities and experts from various sectors (science, policy, and private). Ultimately, the main goal of the project is to reduce or avoid L&D, decrease vulnerability, and increase resiliency at the local, national, regional, and even up to the global level.