The investigation of the local Octocorallia faunas presented in the article bring essential data for both findings marine biota diversity areas and the understanding of the pathways of the coral species dispersal. The undertaken literature review shows that octocorals fauna is poorly studied in several key regions of the East Asia seas – both in the Indo-Malayan biodiversity centre (in Vietnamese waters adjoining to this) and beyond this (coastal water of China and Russian Far-East seas). Basing on the own data the author shows that coral reefs of the Central Vietnam are very reach with the Alcyonaria fauna and this gives grounds to specify delineation of the Indo-Malayan center. Based on new facts on the distribution of the cold-water gorgonians Calcigorgia and Paragorgia, the Kurile Islands region is supposed to be a cold-water centre of the octocorals diversity.
Peer-reviewed publication