In recent years the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) has funded several global change research projects with a focus on land-use and land-cover change in the Asia and Pacific region. Many of the projects have been individually producing important results relating land-use and land-cover changes to the carbon cycle, trace gas emissions, ecosystem dynamics, forest management, human dimensions and drivers of land-cover change, and data and information systems.
The aim of this report is to provide an Initial Synthesis of APN-funded research related to land-use and land-cover change. The report contained herein is the product of an APN workshop convened at the APN Secretariat in Kobe from 9-11 September, 2002. The workshop also provided a venue for the community of APN-funded Principal Investigators who have been active in land-use and land-cover change related research to compare their results and identify key common emerging questions, and to assist APN in formulating key priority areas for future projects.