Himalaya, the abode of snow, has the third largest reservoir of snow and ice after Arctic/Greenland and Antarctic regions and is the source of all the major perennial rivers in Asia and provides fresh water to billions of people living in the mountains and the downstream regions. As a modest initiative, this Two Year Project on “Impacts of Global Change on the Dynamics of Snow, Glaciers and Runoff over the Himalayan Mountains and Their Consequences for Highland and Downstream Regions” was initiated with research grant from the Asia Pacific Network on Global Change Research (APN) in the year 2008 (ARCP2008-16NMY-Shrestha and ARCP2009-04Cmy-Shrestha) with a focus primarily on the Himalayan range covered within countries of the participating institutions. Attempts are made to overview the characterization of glaciers and snow in the three major river basins in the Himalaya namely Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra basins and assess objectively the available evidence of the impacts of climate change on glaciers and snow as well as the runoff in the Himalayan region. The work carried out in the three selected river basins in the countries of the participating institutions with objectives to observe the impact trends and consequences at the meso scale are also presented here.