The heavy metal content in riverine suspended solids is one of the environmental pollution variables that pay attentionfoe scientists due to their impacts on animal life, plants and human health. The paper presents the monitoring results of heavy metal content in suspended solids in the Red River, section flowing through Hanoi city in 2019. The results showed the heavy metal contents of heavy metal as follows: Pb: 34.18 – 66.25ppm; Zn: 65.72 – 89.48ppm; Cu: 48.08 – 120.80ppm; Cd: 0.16 – 0.39ppm; Fe: 28460.00 – 41881.25ppm; Cr: 28.46 – 35.88ppm; Mn: 516.4 – 685.0ppm; As: 16.84 – 28.22ppm; Hg: 0.13 – 0.22ppm. The heavy metal concentration is arranged in descending order as follows: Fe>Mn>Cu>Zn>Pb>Cr>As>Cd>Hg. Within different HM observed, the mean values of Fe and As contents were 1.9 and 1.4 times respectively higher than the allowable values of the Vietnam Standards on the HM in riverine sediment QCVN 43: 2017/BTNMT. The results contributed to the database of the Red River sediment and water quality in order to protect the Red River water environment.
Peer-reviewed publication