The possibility of simulating flooding in the Huong River basin, Vietnam, was examined using quantitative precipitation forecasts at regional and global scales. Raingauge and satellite products were used for observed rainfall. To make maximum use of the spatial heterogeneity of the different types of rainfall data, a distributed hydrological model was set up to represent the hydrological processes. In this way, streamflow simulated using the rainfall data was compared with that observed in situ. The forecast on a global scale showed better performance during normal flow peak simulations than during extreme events. In contrast, it was found that during an extreme flood peak, the use of regional forecasts and satellite data gives results that are in close agreement with results using raingauge data. Using the simulated overflow volumes recorded at the control point downstream, inundation areas were then estimated using topographic characteristics. This study is the first step in developing a future efficient early warning system and evacuation strategy.
Peer-reviewed publication