Microplastics (MPs) have been known as plastics <5 mm in diameter, which can cause serious environmental effects and now be commonly found in various water bodies. This work aims to review the present status of microplastic contamination (abundance, morphological characteristics, and types of polymers) in water and sediment in lake (including lake, pond and reservoir) systems in Vietnam. Up to present, the research on MP abundance and characteristics in lake system in Vietnam is still limited. The results showed that the densities and characteristics of MPs were found to vary between cities and regions, which were related to the polluted sources and the level of development and economic structure of the locality. The main factors affecting MP abundance were human activities, including pollution dispersion and waste generation from domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities. Additionally, fibers were the most prominent shape, and MPs made from different polymers, notably polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE), rayon and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were found. Effective solutions and measures should be applied to reduce MP contamination in freshwater in general and in lake system in Vietnam.
Peer-reviewed publication