Peaches are rich of nutritive and medicinal value, they are widely grown in the world, but it is not easy to preserve. In order to explore the effects and mechanism of micro-biological preservation methods and find out a neweffective way to preserve peaches which fits the food safety policy,we using antagonists regarded as a potential useful solution for the issue. In this study, three new antagonists, Cryptococcus Laurentii (CL), Candida Guilliermondii (CG) and Tricho-sporon Aquatile (TA) were used and evaluated in preserving peaches. With a multi-year (2011 -2015) study, the treatments with CL, TA showed obvious advantages. After spraying the three antagonists,the decay,rots, respiration,weight loss decreased compared with the CK.The results of this study indicated the beneficial effect of Malon Dialdehyde (MDA), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and SSC have been reduced by sprayingCL of 108 CFU/ ml. The TA of 108 CFU/ ml showed most affective results in weight loss and respiration.The peaches were firmer than the CK with the treatment of CL of 108 CFU/ ml, as well as the reduction ofrelative conductivity. The MDA growth rate of CL treatment was 82.60% and PPO growth rate was 11.04% lower than the controlled group. The results indicated the ability of Cryptococcus Laurentii (CL) antagonist is an effective way tocontrol postharvest disease in honey peaches.
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