The Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region is one of the fragile ecosystems in terms of climate change and its impacts, which is reflected by the effect of both slow-onset and fast-onset disasters. Traditionally, this area has been a co-existence between nature and people. Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) systems and practices have featured in agriculture, water resources management, forest management, disaster risk reduction, health risk management, disaster early warning, etc. ILK could be an entry point for introducing appropriate adaptation know-how and practices through enhancement and customization in a cost-effective manner. However, communication is a challenge to the promotion and diffusion of potential ILK and practices for climate change adaptation (CCA). Lack of scientific assessments, inadequate documentation, and their diversity are the key barriers for communicating the merits of ILK for CCA. In this chapter, the role of community radio networks in HKH is discussed as an effective vehicle to bridge the existing communication gaps in three ways. First, as a platform to share climate change impacts and ILK-based coping mechanisms among local communities. Second, share potential ILK-based solutions relevant to CCA across the local communities. And third, to connect with stakeholders beyond the community level (such as government, researchers and scientists, and development partners) to disseminate information about local issues, financial and capacity needs, and mainstreaming of local practices into the region’s CCA planning and implementation. A framework is proposed for the incorporation of community radio as a formal means of CCA communication.
Book / book chapter