Eighteen seagrass species were found from 529 sites in the Philippines. In relation to seagrass as a resource in need of protection, its status as such is yet largely unknown, becoming a focus of scientific inquiry only in the last 30 years and, and as an object of conservation, only in the last 15 years. The coastal nature of Philippine demography, in addition to numerous development facilities, have caused eutrophication of marine waters, which, along with habitat loss, is a major long-term threat to seagrass ecosystems. Some advancements in seagrass research were made locally that are useful steps to reverse seagrass habitat loss. These steps include (1) focusing research on management issues; (2) developing an integrated framework for action; (3) undertaking an economic valuation of the resource; (4) using available scientific knowledge as a means to forge public-private partnerships; (5) ensuring a functional coordination among concerned agencies; and (6) ensuring high quality scientific publications.
Peer-reviewed publication