Safe water supply is a major issue worldwide especially with the changing trends influenced by climate change. This issue is particularly critical in developing nations when there are limited resources that would require the need of putting in place an efficient integrated water resource management policy and regulation. This project, through two workshops, organized in Singapore and Kandy, Sri Lanka have achieved capability building by transferring valuable sustainable strategies on water resource management between Singapore and Sri Lanka, as well as the technical knowledge in water treatment technologies and water quality assessment. The workshops also provided training on the development and implementation of Water Safety Plan (WSP) which is viewed as an important risk based assessment tool to evaluate and ensure safe water supply from source to tap. This workshop has also raised awareness on the importance of WSP to the higher management level and have brought together the local expert members and water supply authority to work towards sustaining good and safe water supply to Sri Lanka. The project team has also identify areas for further collaborations from these two workshops.
Project • CBA2011-14NSY-Ng