The purpose of this project was to facilitate young and developing country participation from Asia-Pacific countries (APCs) in the Earth System Governance Tokyo conference held in January 2013 (hosted by the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), the International Environmental Governance Architecture Research Group and the Tokyo Institute of Technology on behalf of the Earth System Governance Project) and thereby increase interaction between early-career researchers and leading scholars and policy makers in the field. The conference focused on sustainable development governance (SDG), and brought together scientist and policy makers from the north and the south. APCs are of global importance for the realisation of sustainable development, due partly to the fact that the region includes key emerging economies such as China, India and Indonesia. As the vies on effective governance from local to global levels are diverse both in academic and practical terms, social science-based interaction needs to be the basis for future cooperation in the area.
Project • CBA2012-04NSY-Kanie