Climate variability manifested in terms of flood event, prolonged drought, early or late monsoon onset and demise exerts profound effects on agricultural communities in Southeast Asia including Thailand. Therefore the ability to predict such variability in advance is desirable. Seasonal climate prediction is possible due to the exploitation of ocean-atmosphere teleconnections of El Nino Southern Oscillation. The goal of this project is to build capacity on seasonal climate prediction that is tailored to meet the requirements of local agricultural communities. This will be achieved through organizing a series of scientific training workshop and consultation dialogues with end-users and development of seasonal climate downscaling product. Participatory approaches will be adopted throughout the project to ensure the effectiveness of scientific knowledge transfer to non-science user communities and to increase the uptake of climate information at community level. The awareness-raising and lesson learned for local communities of the benefit of using climate information in adaptive response to climate variability is a contribution toward sustainable development in agricultural sector.
Project • CBA2015-01CMY-Singhruck, CBA2014-02NMY-Singhruck