The programme envisages a capacity building cum action research workshop in promoting algaculture in coastal village of Sundarbans in India as a sustainable alternative livelihood option and climate-smart aquafarming for community based adaptive mitigation. One hectare of trapped seawater will be used for Single Rope Floating Raft technique suitable for culturing seaweeds along with fish. Hands on training on culture preparation, management and monitoring of growth, harvesting of algal biomass and usage will be demonstrated in a technology cooperation module. Carbon sequestered in culture period and cost-benefit analysis over return on investment will be integral to the programme. The project aims to achieve: (1) Demonstrable improvisation of algaculture as a sustainable alternative livelihood for climate vulnerable community that makes them capable to adopt the trade. Understanding algaculture as a climate proof farming alternative that can be used in downscaling climate impact in vulnerable coastal habitat and its restoration, as well. (2) Technology cooperation and scientific capacity building in prototyping algaculture as a climate smart livelihood option that can be promoted as a strategy to develop climate resilience. and (3) Improvising algaculture technique as a low input, low emission, optimal yield farming technique through knowledge economy that can be replicated beyond the regional paraphernalia.
Project • CBA2013-14NSY-Maity