The project encompasses APN main goals, as it is intended to enhance the scientific capacity of scientists from the Asia-Pacific region, especially from developing countries, to improve decision-making and public-awareness within the context of sustainable development by (1) establishing a regional cooperation network of experts (researchers/practitioners) engaged in research and policy analysis related to the impact of extreme events and urbanization on human health; (2) promoting interregional cooperation within the framework of the Global Environmental Change and Human Health (GECHH) Joint Project; (3) training young scientists on interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary research on global change and human health; (4) strengthening science/policy dialogues; and (5) raising public awareness on the impact of extreme events on health and on related mitigation/adaptation actions/policies. Given the multidisciplinary nature of the project, it relates to several cross-cutting concerns e.g., global change impact and sustainable development; global change and water and health management; and global change implications of urbanization. During the first year of project, a Symposium and Workshop on Global Environmental Change and Human Health was held in Kuala Lumpur from the 14th to 18th January 2013.
Project • CBA2012-09NMY-Hashim, CBA2013-02CMY-Hashim