Devolution of forest management in Indonesia through policy has meant the proliferation of Forest Management Units (KPH, Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan) for watershed scale sustainable forest management as well as forest areas under community management through the MOEF Social Forestry program. KPH protection (KPHL) and production (KPHP) units require 10 year long-term and 1-year short term management plans. The “utilization of environmental services” for both KPHL and KPHP units (Government Regulation No. 6/2007) identify specifically biodiversity protection and carbon sequestration and/or storage. The MOEF Directorate General of Social Forestry regulations specify guidelines for preparing village forest management plans (No. P.16/PSKL/SET/PSL.0/12/2016). Activities specified include utilization of NTFPs such as medicinal plants and utilization of environmental services through ecotourism activities and carbon storage and sequestration. Challenges exist for both KPH staff and
community members in accurately collecting and reporting information specific to forest carbon, biodiversity, and the various forest provisioning and cultural ecosystem services. This project will train KPH staff and social forestry community members in Aceh province to use Excel-based ecosystem services tools for measuring and reporting forest carbon, tree biodiversity, and forest integrity and health. These tools will support KPH long-term and Social Forestry village management plans.
Project • CBA2020-10SY-Samek