Extreme weather and climate extremes have received attention in the last few years, due to the often large loss of human life and increasing costs associated with them (Karl and Easterling, 1999). These can have major impacts on society, the economy and the environment (Manton M.J. et al. 2001). The purpose of this project is to get a set of indices and indicators to monitor the trend of climate extremes over the South Asia region and to help the individual participating countries to (i) assess the expected corresponding changes on water resources, agricultural production, biodiversity, human health etc; (ii) prepare a set of recommendations for appropriate adaptation measures and (iii) conduct research using the outcome of the project results. This information is a prerequisite requirement to add to the understanding of the national policy makers in the region to develop appropriate adaptation strategies leading towards the mitigation of adverse impacts of climate extremes.
Project • ARCP2007-19NMY, ARCP2008-10CMY