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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Read our Science Bulletin
Project • CBA2012-18NSY-PAGES

A Compass for Future Earth — PAGES 2nd Young Scientists Meeting and 4th Open Science Meeting

Past Global Changes, or PAGES, a core project of the IGBP, will hold its 2nd Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) in February 2013 in Goa, India, as a prelude to the subsequent 4th Open Science Meeting (OSM). The meetings aim is to build capacity for young and established scientists in the Asia-Pacific region and foster scientific exchange and collaboration internationally. Event highlights include scientific sessions that address burning scientific issues; strategic debates on future research requirements and discussions about research implementation; dissemination and outreach through scientific publications and reports, videos, and downloadable materials; networking via extensive poster sessions, breakout discussions, social events, and post-meeting opportunities; and knowledge transfer through scientific sessions, professional skill development sessions, and presentation feedback.

Project publications

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Orbital and millennial-scale environmental changes between 64 and 25 ka BP recorded in Black Sea sediments

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Seasonal changes in glacial polynya activity inferred from Weddell Sea varves

Report • 2014

Project Final Report: CBA2012-18NSY-PAGES

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Blue intensity and density from northern Fennoscandian tree rings, exploring the potential to improve summer temperature reconstructions with earlywood information

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Reexamining the barrier effect of the Tibetan Plateau on the South Asian summer monsoon

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Sediment transport processes across the Tibetan Plateau inferred from robust grain-size end members in lake sediments

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Treeline dynamics with climate change at the central Nepal Himalaya

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Uncertainties in the modelled CO2 threshold for Antarctic glaciation

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Investigating vegetation-climate feedbacks during the early Eocene

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Testing long-term summer temperature reconstruction based on maximum density chronologies obtained by reanalysis of tree-ring data sets from northernmost Sweden and Finland

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Late Glacial–Holocene climatic transition record at the Argentinian Andean piedmont between 33 and 34° S

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Hydrographic changes in the Agulhas Recirculation Region during the late Quaternary

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Environmental and climatic changes in central Chilean Patagonia since the Late Glacial (Mallín El Embudo, 44° S)

Peer-reviewed publication • 2014

Similarity estimators for irregular and age-uncertain time series