Soumendra Nath Kuiry is an Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at IIT Madras. He received his PhD from the University of Michigan in 2011 and worked as a Research Scientist and Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Mississippi from 2007 to 2012. Professor Kuiry’s research interests include computational open channel flow, such as river flow, tidal wave propagation, dam break flow, and coastal and estuarine flow. He also specializes in flood modeling and sediment transport, focusing on developing integrated models for simulating floods caused by heavy rainfall and storm surges, as well as local inertial models for simulating urban floods. He conducts experiments in a river-network-floodplain setup to study urban floods and simulates sediment transport in rivers and estuaries.
Project collaborator
Soumendra Nath Kuiry
Indian Institute of Technology Madras