Dr Tan Phan-Van is a Professor in Earth Sciences, Leader of the Advanced research group of Regional Climate Modelling and Climate Change (REMOCLIC), at the VNU University of Science (HUS), Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). He has many years of experience in weather and climate research, focusing mainly on climate change, regional climate modelling, seasonal forecasting, and data analysis. He was a leader of various National and International projects on Extreme Climate Events (ECE) and their impacts in Vietnam, seasonal prediction of ECEs for Vietnam, dynamical seasonal tropical cyclone prediction, drought over Vietnam and Southeast Asia, High-Resolution Climate Projection for Vietnam and Southeast Asia, etc. Currently, he is a member of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Initiative (SEARCI), networking of scientists within the Southeast Asia region, involving the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID/CORDEX SEA) project.
Project collaborator
Phan Van Tan
Vietnam National University - Hanoi University of Science