Dr Michael Robotham is the Senior Scientist for the Soil Services and Resource Assessment Deputy Area within the US Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. Dr Robotham provides senior technical leadership and coordination to support the development and dissemination of soil survey, resource inventory, resource assessment, and related data and information for the United States and affiliated nations of the Pacific. He coordinates Deputy Area efforts to encourage and facilitate the appropriate use of that data and information to support proactive, voluntary natural resources management, including climate smart management, of working agricultural, range, and forest lands. His responsibilities include also facilitating technical information exchange and collaboration between NRCS scientists and domestic and international partners. Dr Robotham joined APN in 2021 and serves as a member of the Scientific Planning Group and the SPG-Pacific Subregional Committee.
APN Member
Michael Robotham
Soil Services and Resource Assessment Senior Scientist, United States Department of Agriculture