Dr Md. Mahmudur Rahman is a research scientist of the Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO). He obtained Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr.rer.nat.) degree from Dresden University of Technology, Germany in 2004. He conducted post-doctoral research at the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS) of Chiba University, Japan during 2007-2009. His research interests include forest and land-cover change assessment, forest biomass and carbon stock estimation, climate change impact studies in mangrove forest ecosystem etc. He published a monograph entitled ‘Tropical Deforestation and Carbon Emission: Estimations Based on Remote Sensing’. He also published 39 scientific articles in monographs, peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Some of these publications are linked to global change studies. Dr Rahman joined APN in 2021 and he has been serving as a member of the Capacity Development Committee (CDC).
Md. Mahmudur Rahman
Chief Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization