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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Henri Bastaman

Expert Staff, Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Dr Henri Bastaman started his career in the Ministry of Environment since 1985. He leads the implementation of Sustainable Consumption and Production development across sectors and within the partnership of government – business – civil society, in synergy with the development of the Green Economy / Low Carbon Economy in Indonesia. He has been Actively Involved in the Earth Charter Indonesia, and serves as a guest lecturer for Masters’ degree students and as an examiner and a co-promoter for PhD students in State University of Jakarta, Bogor Institute of Agriculture and the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung. He holds Masters and Ph.D degrees in Environmental Studies (MES) fromYork University, Toronto, Canada.

He was the Director General of Forestry and Environment Research, Development and Innovation Agency (FOERDIA) within the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, he leads groups of researcher and R&D management to provide scientific justifications for the national policies in environmental and forestry field. Currently, he is in charge as Expert Staff to the Minister of Environment and Forestry for SDGs Implementation and Environmental Research at the Ministry for Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia.