Dr Gopal Krishan is currently Scientist-D, at National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee and Ex-Researcher-Indo Gangetic Basin, Groundwater Resilience Project, British Geological Survey, United Kingdom. Dr Gopal has over 20 years of research experience in many facets of hydrological evaluations, surface water and groundwater hydrology project management, and field investigations. Dr Gopal received his PhD in Soil Science and Water Management in 2001 and during +20 years of research and training experience, developed skills in hydro-geochemistry, isotope hydrology, water quality studies, aquifer storage and recovery and river bank filtration techniques. Contributed in >25 Science Citation Indexed International Journal articles (with h-index 23; i-index-58) with publications more than 100, >15 book chapters, and edited 2 books. Conceived and delivered in various research projects funded by national and international agencies.
Project collaborator
Gopal Krishan
National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee