Dr. Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya is an environmentalist, author, Associate Professor at the School of Graduate Program Universitas Nasional, and the Chairman of the Centre for Islamic Studies Universitas Nasional. He graduated with a Master’s in Conservation Biology at the University of Indonesia and earned his PhD from the Post Graduate Program in Environmental Management and Natural Resources at Bogor Agricultural University. Dr. Mangunjaya is a drafting member for the Islamic Declaration for Global Climate Change in Istanbul (2015), a Scholar Member of Al-Mizan Convenance for The Earth, and a member of the Advisory Group for Forum on Religion and Ecology, University of Yale, Advisory for Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (Yayasan Kehati). He is a member of IUCN-WCPA Specialist Group in Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas, an Advisory member of SiagaBumi (Environment and Interfaith in Indonesia), and a member of the Council Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI) Indonesia. He is the author of 30 books and chapters and several scientific publications. He is one of the leading eco-activists in the Muslim world, and an independent consultant for several institutions such as
UNDP, UNEP and Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Rabat, Marocco.
Project collaborator
Fachruddin Md. Mangunjaya
Universitas Nasional