Dr Ekbordin Winijkul is an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Engineering and Management program, Asian Institute of Technology. He got his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA in 2015. His research area are emission inventory, air pollution modeling and monitoring, air quality management, and environmental technology and management. Before joining AIT, Dr Ekbordin worked as a project coordinator for the World Bank project to reduce air pollution emission from diesel vehicles in Bangkok, Thailand. He also worked at Argonne National Laboratory (USA), International Institute for Applied System Analysis (Austria) and Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. (USA), focusing on emission inventory development of multiple anthropogenic combustion sources. His recent research was focusing on modeling of black carbon deposition to the Himalayan Glaciers, cost-benefit analysis of introducing cleaner fuels and vehicles in the Maldives, and air quality management in Thailand.
Ekbordin Winijkul
Asian Institute of Technology