Dr. Dodo Gunawan is a researcher who works at the Indonesia Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) who actively leads the operational work unit, namely the Climate Change Information Center (CCIC). He has educational backgrounds in meteorology, climatology and agro meteorology. With his expertise, Dr. Dodo Gunawan was tasked with making seasonal forecasts and also preparing information on climate change projections for the territory of Indonesia. To carry out this task, Dr. Dodo has knowledge of climate models for prediction and projection. He also has the ability to analyze model output data and of course observational data. At the national level, Dr. Dodo actively conveys seasonal forecast information to various users in the National Climate Outlook Forum (NCOF). He also collaborates with various ministries and national institutions in utilizing climate change projection data for sectoral adaptation studies. At the regional level Dr. Dodo is active as a member of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Initiative (SEARCI), a networking of scientists within the Southeast Asia region, involving the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID/CORDEX SEA) project.
Project collaborator
Dodo Gunawan
Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency