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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Amy Then Yee Hui

Universiti Malaya

Amy Then is a coastal-marine researcher with a doctorate in fisheries science. She is interested in cross-cutting research topics that examine knowledge gaps and the way forward for improved conservation and management of species and ecosystems with potential co-benefits for humans. Currently, Amy is working on broad topics of mangrove ecology, restoration and ecosystem services assessment, shark and ray fishery assessment, marine megafauna bycatch, and linkages between the marine protected area and the wellbeing of both ecosystems and humans. She has co-developed a number of successful local and international proposals that were highly interdisciplinary in the last six years. She also has diverse experiences in organizing international meetings, including the Third International Symposium on Mangroves as Fish Habitat (MAFH3).