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Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research

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Side event

ACRE side event: Recovering historic data to inform climate services

The International Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over Earth (ACRE) coordinates international efforts to rescue and recover global historical terrestrial and marine instrumental weather data. This event will demonstrate the value of historical data to climate services and aim to inspire more nations to participate in this global effort.

Session organizer

  • The International Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over Earth (ACRE)

Date, time and venue

  • Date and time: 1 November 2021, 16:30–17:30 GMT
  • Venue: Blue Zone of the Science Pavilion, stand number PV39
  • ACRE COP26 event live streaming link: Subscribe to the Met Office Science and Services YouTube channel to watch a live stream of this event


  • Nick Rayner, CMA, Met Office Hadley Centre, UK (In Person)


  • ACRE Introduction (In Person)
    Albert Klein Tank, Director of the Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Science and Services, UK (5 mins) (Panel Member)
  • Reanalysis (especially 20CR) (Remote Live)
    Laura Slivinski, University of Colorado/CIRES & NOAA/Physical Sciences Laboratory, USA (6.5 mins) (Panel Member)
  • ACRE products for Weather/Climate Applications and Services (Remote Pre-recorded)
    Philip Brohan, ACRE/Met Office Hadley Centre, UK (6.49 mins)
  • ACRE Australia (Remote Pre-recorded)
    Linden Ashcroft, Australian National University (ANU), Australia (2.44 mins)
  • ACRE SE Asia (Remote Pre-recorded)
    Fiona Williamson, National Management University of Singapore, Singapore (5.44 mins)
  • ACRE Pacific & ACRE Antarctica (Remote Pre-recorded)
    Drew Lorrey, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), New Zealand (4.12 mins)

Discussion/Q&A with panel members

Rob Allan, ACRE/Met Office Hadley Centre, UK (Remote)

Prof. Rob Allan, a Scientific Manager who developed and has led the international ACRE initiative for the last 14 years, has research expertise on the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, low frequency climatic fluctuations, the planetary monsoon system, palaeoclimatic reconstructions and historical data analysis.

Albert Klein Tank, Head of Met Office Hadley Centre, UK (In Person)

Prof. Albert Klein Tank, who has been the Director of the Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Science and Services since 2018, built an international reputation in climate science, particularly from his work in analyzing climate trends, developing observational datasets and producing the national climate change scenarios in the Netherlands.

Laura Slivinski, University of Colorado/CIRES & NOAA/Physical Sciences Laboratory, USA (Panel Member) (Remote)

Dr. Laura Slivinski is a co-lead scientist on version 3 of the 20th Century Reanalysis Project, an effort to estimate global weather fields and their uncertainties for the past 200 years.

Ed Hawkins, ACRE British & Irish Isles Lead/University of Reading, UK (In Person)

Prof. Ed Hawkins (MBE) is a climate scientist who leads the ACRE British and Irish Isles chapter and is known for his data visualization graphics portraying global warming, plus his lead on citizen science projects in which volunteers transcribe data from historical meteorological and rainfall records for digital analysis.

Georgina Endfield, University of Liverpool, UK (Remote)

Prof. Georgina Enfield’s expertise is in the use of historical records for the reconstruction of climate variability and environmental change, and she draws on a breadth of largely unpublished archival sources and oral history approaches.