The Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) is a WCRP (World Climate Research Programme) initiative to provide global coordination of regional climate downscaling for improved regional climate change adaptation and impact assessment. The 1st WCRP CORDEX South Asia training workshop was organized during 17-20 October 2012 in Pune, India, hosted by the Centre for Climate Change Research (CCCR), Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM).
The 2nd WCRP CORDEX science and training workshop in South Asia will be held during 27-30 August 2013 in Kathmandu, Nepal, jointly supported by ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development), WCRP, APN (Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research), MAIRS (Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study), CCCR-IITM.
Workshop Topics:
- Evaluation of monsoon climate simulation in Hindu Kush-Himalayan and Tibetan Plateau region from multiple climate models (onset and withdraw, seasonal and intra-seasonal variability, flood, drought, heat wave etc.).
- Assessment of downscaling techniques and their products in Hindu Kush-Himalayan and Tibetan Plateau region to understand uncertainties accompanying the regional climate projections and examine the feasibility of climate model results.
- Bridging the gaps between end users’ needs and climate modeling communities, and meeting the requests of end-users (hydrology, agriculture, water resources, land cover and ecosystem, human health etc.) on downscaled products, with definition of data types, formats and resolutions, for vulnerability, impacts and adaptation analysis.
- Training of operational departments and local policy makers in South Asia and supporting local/regional policy making as well as sustainable development by providing user friendly regional downscaling products for South Asia.
Tentative Program:
Day 1: Science workshop part 1: Understanding the gaps of climate modeling capability in Hindu-Kush Himalayan and Tibetan Plateau
Day 2: Science workshop part 2: Assessment of model downscaling techniques and products
Day 3: Training part 1: Dialogue with end-users and hands on training on analysis, evaluation, interpretation and application of CORDEX model outputs
Day 4: Training part 2: Training and Presentations by user groups; summarize the outcomes of the training workshop; discuss and develop strategies for publication
Important Dates:
- Application and registration starts: 23 May 2013
- Deadline for workshop application and registration: 10 July 2013
- Confirmation of participation: 31 July 2013
- Workshop: 27-30 August 2013
Online application and registration: Please visit:
Download: CORDEX South Asia Training Workshop Announcement
Project metadata page: