Plausible alternative future of mangroves and their ecosystem services: Case studies from Asia-Pacific region

Over the past few decades, scenario analysis emerged as a useful tool for environmental decision-making amidst multiple uncertainties. Using the influential drivers of change, scenarios portray the range of plausible alternative futures useful for quantifying the synergies and trade-offs of vital ecosystem services across multiple development trajectories. In this research, we demonstrate two case examples...

Hashimoto, S., Dasgupta, R., Saito, O., Johnson, B.A., Takahashi, Y., Kumar, P., ... Robaigau, A. (2024). Plausible alternative future of mangroves and their ecosystem services: Case studies from Asia-Pacific region. APN Science Bulletin, (). doi:10.30852/sb.2024.2469

Sustainable mangrove rehabilitation: Lessons and insights from community-based management in the Philippines and Myanmar

This study generally aims to synthesize the best practices and challenges in mangrove rehabilitation in the Philippines, Myanmar, Japan, China and India.  It employed an in-depth review of secondary information such as policy documents and project reports, and participatory research activities with various mangrove stakeholders such as key informant interview and focus group discussion. Lessons...

Camacho, L., Gevaña, D., Sabino, L., Ruzol, C., Garcia, J., Camacho, A., . . . Takeuchi, K. (2020). Sustainable mangrove rehabilitation: Lessons and insights from community-based management in the Philippines and Myanmar. APN Science Bulletin, 10(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2020.983