National Chiao Tung University
1001 Ta-Hsueh Road-300
Department of Civil Engineering
Hsinchu, Taiwan

Spatial planning-based ecosystem adaptation (SPBEA) as a method to mitigate the impact of climate change: The effectiveness of hybrid training and participatory workshops during a pandemic in Indonesia

Climate change has a greater effect on the long-term viability of coastal environments and people’s livelihoods. The idea of using ecosystems to help people deal with the effects of climate change is becoming more common at the international, national and local levels, especially when it comes to spatial planning. So, learning about spatial planning-based ecosystem...

Sutrisno, D., Rahadiati, A., Bin Hashim, M., Shi, P.T., Qin, R., Helmi, M., ... Zhang, L. (2022). Spatial planning-based ecosystem adaptation (SPBEA) as a method to mitigate the impact of climate change: The effectiveness of hybrid training and participatory workshops during a pandemic in Indonesia. APN Science Bulletin, 12(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2022.1772

Rapid mapping technique for data acquisition: The case of a summer school in the Banjarnegara district, Indonesia

Global environmental change makes us aware of the impact of natural hazards. Natural hazards are phenomena with large spatial dimensions and impacts but whose mapping and monitoring data can be recorded only by using satellite or aerial remote-imaging platforms (Poursanidis & Chrysoulakis, 2017). Given that Southeast Asia is the region in the world that is...

Sutrisno, D., Bin Hashim, M., Shi, P.T., Qin, R., Syaifoel, R., & Witjaksono, P. (2021). Rapid mapping technique for data acquisition: The case of a summer school in the Banjarnegara district, Indonesia. APN Science Bulletin, 11(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2021.1396