University of the Philippines Los Baños
Los Baños, Philippines
[email protected]

Fostering the Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere approach to translate global goals into local actions: Lessons from national scoping workshops in ASEAN countries

The Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere (Regional-CES) is a guiding concept for environmental policies to support the achievement of the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in urban and rural communities with maximum utilisation of local strengths and resources. To promote the Regional-CES concept as a useful guiding principle, a scoping project was designed to engage key...

Kojima, S., Mitra, B.K., Tachibana, M., Pulhin, J.M., Anders, C., Pal, I., ... Imanari, Y. (2024). Fostering the Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere approach to translate global goals into local actions: Lessons from national scoping workshops in ASEAN countries. APN Science Bulletin, (). doi:10.30852/sb.2024.2633

Enhancing resilience through capacity building in LCCAP formulation in the local government of Aurora, Philippines

Climate Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) and Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP) provide the scientific and legal platform for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Philippines. This APN CAPaBLE project responds to the limited technical capacity of local government units (LGUs) to comply with this requirement through collaborative capacity building. Evaluation of CDRA and...

Pulhin, J.M., Tapia-Villamayor, M.A., de Luna, C.C., Cruz, R.V.O., Peria, A.S., Anacio, D.B., ... Almarines, N.R. (2021). Enhancing resilience through capacity building in LCCAP formulation in the local government of Aurora, Philippines. APN Science Bulletin, 11(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2021.1411

Appraising slow onset hazards for loss and damage: Case studies in Southeast Asia

Slow onset processes were investigated in five pilot areas in Southeast Asia, i.e., Kampong Speu Province (Cambodia), Selangor State (Malaysia), Thatdama Kyun Village (Myanmar), Kanan Watershed (Philippines), and Quang Ngai Province (Vietnam). Pilot areas with low-lying coasts are exposed to floods, saline intrusion and sea-level rise while some are also affected by storms and typhoons....

Pereira, J., Pulhin, J., Chhinh, N., Tran, D., & Satari, S. (2019). Appraising slow onset hazards for loss and damage: Case studies in Southeast Asia. APN Science Bulletin, 9(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2019.720

Benefits and costs of risk insurance in selected countries of Asia

Several risk insurance initiatives have been implemented at the grassroots level for reducing the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters. Despite these efforts, the penetration of risk insurance in developing Asia is poor compared to many developed countries due to several barriers that this sector is facing and the cost of insurance premiums is an...

Prabhakar, S., Pereira, J., Bakar, A., Solomon, D., Pulhin, J., & Cummins, J. (2018). Benefits and costs of risk insurance in selected countries of Asia. APN Science Bulletin, 8(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2018.265