Fostering the Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere approach to translate global goals into local actions: Lessons from national scoping workshops in ASEAN countries

The Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere (Regional-CES) is a guiding concept for environmental policies to support the achievement of the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in urban and rural communities with maximum utilisation of local strengths and resources. To promote the Regional-CES concept as a useful guiding principle, a scoping project was designed to engage key...

Kojima, S., Mitra, B.K., Tachibana, M., Pulhin, J.M., Anders, C., Pal, I., ... Imanari, Y. (2024). Fostering the Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere approach to translate global goals into local actions: Lessons from national scoping workshops in ASEAN countries. APN Science Bulletin, (). doi:10.30852/sb.2024.2633