Agriculture · Climate change · Greenhouse gas emissions · Management practices · Salinity
Evaluation of best management practices with greenhouse gas benefits for salt-affected paddy soils in South Asia
Anthropogenic climate change has caused increased soil salinity in South Asia due to saltwater intrusion caused by sea level rise, input of fertilizers with high salt index, and irrigation malpractices, etc. Salinity has a multitude of impacts on plant and soil processes, leading to alterations in gas fluxes and rice productivity. The remedial measures adopted...
Lokupitiya, E., Agrawal, M., Ahamed, T., Mustafa, N., Ahmed, B., Vathani, A., . . . Paustian, K. (2020). Evaluation of best management practices with greenhouse gas benefits for salt-affected paddy soils in South Asia. APN Science Bulletin, 10(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2020.1042